Biv Boardroom Strategy: Your Company’s Strategic Plan Needs a Solid Framework

Biv Boardroom Strategy: Your Company’s Strategic Plan Needs a Solid Framework

A successful strategic plan design keeps two things in mind: focus driven by simplicity and clarity and engagement of the people who will be held accountable for the results.

The more complex the plan, the less likely anyone in your organization will read it or, even worse, take action from it.

Here is a framework and process for your strategic plan that will ensure you focus on what’s important, narrowing down the details to the critical pieces around which your team can rally. Using this framework with your team to build a plan will dramatically increase engagement and accountability.

Wildly Courageous Decision (WCD). As CEO, you are the chief dreamer, schemer and long-term thinker. Before engaging your team in a strategic planning experience, carve out some time from your schedule to dream 10 to 25 years ahead from today. What courageous direction can you passionately make a decision to take your organization in? Think of this as the North Star you are navigating toward: a simple statement that sets a long-term perspective that everyone can rally behind.

Mission. If your wildly courageous decision is the “what” then think of your mission as the “how”: what behaviours and actions over time will lead to your organization realizing its WCD?

Strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats and vulnerabilities. Have you, your team members, and their direct reports list out what your organization is truly strong at, weak at, where the market opportunities lie, what external forces can threaten your success and where you are vulnerable to inside and outside forces – your company’s Achilles Heal.

Rhinos, whinos, sacred cows and hidden agendas.Rhinos are the large, dirty, messy issues that are hiding under your boardroom table causing big distraction, wasted resources and energy, and yet everyone is pretending they’re not in the room. Whinos are the issues team members consistently whine about that never seem to get dealt with. Sacred cows are the core tenets in your business that you’re not willing to compromise on or change: they’re part of the secret sauce of your success. Hidden agendas are the plans that people are not disclosing, instead they’re secretly working on building alliances and putting significant energy into something that may or may not be right for your organization. (The Lexus ISF is a good example of a hidden agenda of an engineer at Lexus. It was built in secret in a remote warehouse behind the head office by a skunk-works team and unveiled to Toyota’s CEO after the final prototype was complete.)

Values and core purpose. What core values are forming the concrete foundation upon which your organization is built? These are the values driving key decisions made at a senior level within your business, not values you may aspire to. What is the core purpose for your company existing in the world? Why will the world be a better place as a result of your long-term success?

Objectives. Use the information you uncover in the sections above to craft a series of five to 10 key objectives that your organization will achieve over the next 12 months. The easiest way to know whether you have a well-framed objective is to ask, “How will we know when this objective is complete and would we throw a party to celebrate achieving it?” If the answer is unclear then you’re likely missing a deadline, a clear success measure or the objective is not specific, reasonable or challenging enough.

Owners. “The executive team” is not the answer to effective accountability for strategic objectives. Each objective should have an accountable champion who ensures that the executive team is kept up to speed on progress and the road blocks along the way.

Action steps. Many companies stop at the objective stage and the result is low clarity on the first move and subsequent steps. The result is a sandbagged plan. Create an action-step plan for each objective that answers the statement, “When these steps are complete, the objective will be successful.”

Communication. Without a communication plan that shares the strategic plan, the reality is the same as winking at someone in the dark: you know what you’re doing but they haven’t a clue. Decide as an executive team what consistent, concise and compelling messages you plan to share with the rest of the organization, including reporting on results throughout the year, and what mediums have the best chance of reaching the widest audience. Using the steps we’ve walked through will provide a solid framework to build your strategic plan, ensure that year after year you have a consistent way of describing the path for your business and engage your team in executing the plan effectively.

As the Cheshire Cat said to Alice, “If you don’t know where you’re going, then any road will take you there.”

Mike Desjardins

Mike is a a graduate of UBC’s Sauder School of Business with a Bachelors of Commerce, Mike has spent the past 21 years transforming businesses.

  • Cameron
    Posted at 10:42h, 13 January Reply

    Great post Mike!

    • Mike Desjardins
      Posted at 10:54h, 14 January Reply

      Thank you Cam. It’s a rough outline of the Creative Strategic Planning experience that we have developed over the past 12 years to help our clients actually move from strategy to execution through the year. I thought it would be a good “filter” for CEO’s to use to help reduce their angst around what’s missing from their current plans.

      What was it about the post that you found most interesting or useful?

  • Harry Diemer
    Posted at 11:41h, 28 January Reply

    Excellent piece Mike. I focused in on “values” and some additional discussion on that may be apropos. I have seen a lot of strategic plans over the years and values are often express as “virtues” . Characteristics that anyone should have, basically doing anything. These, while important, don’t define the essence of an organization. That essence should drive the strategic plan.

  • Mike Desjardins
    Posted at 18:53h, 31 January Reply

    You make a very good point Harry. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve asked executives where the values of the organization came from and I’m left with a blank state. More corporate values could be summed up with one phrase “remember what you learned in kindergarten and do the right thing.”

    I know you like Good to Great so you’ll appreciate this: Jim Collins’ approach is the one I’m most impressed by and that’s what we used to create the ViRTUS Core Values ( take the top five core values of the senior team and directors, the people who are making the core decisions in the business and modelling leadership behaviour for everyone else, and put those up on the wall. Group them together in categories and name the categories in a way that expressed the values within. It’s not perfect and it’s closer to the truth of how decisions are really made in the organization than anything else I’ve come across.

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